Shaping success together

Because we know we can be better working together

Our cooperation is characterized by a balanced relationship of freedom and commitment, personal responsibility and respect. Everyone knows what he or she has to do - and for what he or she is jointly responsible. Within this framework, all employees can contribute optimally according to their qualifications and skills. This also means that we are all allowed to make mistakes. Because we learn from our mistakes - progress becomes possible. Especially in such a dynamic environment as metal forming technology. Together we stay on top!

Reliable values determine our actions
Only with a solid foundation, we can be successful together. A simple but fundamental insight. Appreciation and respect, transparency and fairness, communication and potential for development, as well as leadership and relationship culture are the cornerstones of our successful cooperation. This is the basis of our daily cooperation, in which everyone can get involved in the best possible way on the way to our common goals.

The employees of the ERNST Group are, of course, not only human resources, but living, self-reliant individuals who together shape the success of the Group.

CSR: Responsibility beyond the company
This value-oriented self-image also results in a special sense of responsibility for the corporate environment. What is today known as Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has a long tradition at ERNST. We are involved in various charitable projects both regionally and internationally. 

You can find some examples here:

Commitment & Responsibility

The ERNST management guidelines

These are the standards of our management culture. You are welcome to measure us by them.

We lead transparently, fairly and reliably

We discuss and explain our expectations and goals to our employees. We express our expectations and act accordingly. We keep our agreements.

We lead credibly

We set an example in our actions by living our expectations. We generate insight by explaining our expectations. We show consistency in case of deviations by addressing misconduct.

We act entrepreneurially

Our work is strategy, goal and expectation oriented. We deliver results and continuously improve all processes. We are loyal to the ERNST Umformtechnik company.

We promote, demand and develop our employees

We regularly give each employee honest feedback. We demand entrepreneurial and independent action from our employees. We provide our employees with the necessary support.

We develop our technical and management competence

Technical and management competence are the basis for successful management at ERNST Umformtechnik.

Oberkirch-Zusenhofen, December 2014